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Date/Time Commenter Comments Supporting Document
08/14/2017 10:22AM  Che Masters  We question the value in: a) the addition of 7.1 as it provides no requirements for CBs or guidance on fulfilling existing requirements. b) 7.2. If the item in 7.1 is in the standard and auditors are required to be knowledgeable in the standard, then this seems redundant. How are these outcomes supposed to be “consistently enforced”? Isn’t that what the audits are for? Comments: - Shouldn’t this document have some language included regarding “upgrades”? The upgrade process for this standard is not going to be managed as other standards typically are we think there should be mention of the process within here. - Should this also mention ISO 45001? OHSAS 18801 may expire before the AR rule expires. - Should mention that any integrated audits with other standards will count as witness requirements for those standards as well.