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Date/Time Commenter Comments Supporting Document
06/07/2016 2:35AM  Valeria Navolotskaya  To cl.2.5 - In this case the option of looking for local assessors or technical experts who will be able to get an access can be added within this clause and ensured by AB.    
06/16/2016 2:42PM  Pete Kucan  Ran into this in AS9101 E paragraph 4.3. It does not appear to clearly support the stance and detail in AR29 2.6 regarding modifications to scope or mediation requirements or consequences. It appears that client can restrict and deny without consequence.   AS9101E 19.pdf 
06/30/2016 2:39PM  Reg Blake  Section 2 b, line 3, delete word "certifications". Section 1.5;1.6 and 1.7 have incorrect titles for each standard. AS9104/1 does not refer to ISO/IEC 17021-1. At this time the only place in the ICOP scheme where ISO/IEC 17021-1 is referenced is in IAQG OPMT Resolutions 132 and 133. Section 11.1.1 is not in alignment with AS9104/1, Appendix B. The label in the OASIS database is "Central Office". Multiple Site, Campus, Several Sites and Complex structures all refer to 'central function'. In addition Campus, and only Campus, does also refer to 'Controlling address'.